With the opening of this new school year - supervisor Ronit Nehemiah - who supervises the DATA ANALYSIS program (the "program") at the Ministry of Education ("the Ministry") and the Program's team - https://pop.education.gov.il/tchumey_daat/data-analysis/ , in collaboration with this Forum, managed by this post's writer- Rachel Pasher Eijkenaar, Adv., decided to start a pilot project ("Pilot") -
- Urban data analysis by 10th grade students enrolled in the Program, using Tel-Aviv Jaffa's TLV OPEN DATA https://opendata.tel-aviv.gov.il/en/Pages/home.aspx..
The Pilot starts now, with the beginning of the school year - as part of the Program, in three schools in Tel Aviv:
1. Lady Davis- http://ld.amalnet.k12.il/ - with the teacher Giorit Carmi and the principal Sara Halperin.
2.Technological Education Center 11 - http://www.yudalef.co.il/BRPortal/br/P102.jsp?arc=1184091 with teacher Tomer Gabish and principal Dror Iseroff.
3. New High School - http://tichonhadash-tlv.org.il/ - with teacher Mossi Oz and principal Limor Markenzon
The goals of the Pilot are that students studying how to analyze data, will be able to analyze not only theoretical data, but actual data collected in the field - and in this pilot- from municipalities, under the guidance of their teachers. They will be able to do this while they themselves will propose questions for the studies, share their results with the municipality whose data they are analyzing, and will be able to receive proposals for additional studies, to support and propose additional integrated projects between the three parties - the Israeli Ministry of Education , the Tel-Aviv Jaffa municipality and ISCI - the Israeli Institute for Smart Citieshttp://israelsmartcities.org - and within it-
The Global Forum 4 City Innovation within the framework (the "Forum")- https://www.isci-globalforum4cityinnovation.com/- the third partner in the cooperation, regarding the municipality's OPEN DATA and its analysis.
The Forum ,lead by Rachel Pasher Eijkenaar worked with Ronit Nehemia of the program, to maximize the Pilot as an enriching program for students, educational staff and municipal staff as well, and is working to add more significance to it, in the following ways:
A. Planning & helping to create programs including Tel Aviv Municipality staff, who lead the technology, education and innovation in the city - so that the research and analysis done by the students will be connected the field. Ronit Nehamia's and the Program's goal is - to connect the theoretical studies with the municipality and the city itself - regarding everything that goes on in it. Such a connection has the potential for the students, their teachers and their works products, help to improve different aspects of the city. According to Ronit, these students always offer new points of view & out of the box thinking, which may be creative and fruitful for the municipality's staff members - in all areas.
B. The connection between the students and the municipality will allow the students to learn from municipal staff members-in the various fields in which they are involved - about the origin of the data they analyze, its collection, how it is used in practice and methods of data collection, research and analysis while making practical use of all of them.
C. Beyond assisting in the connections between the municipality and the Program, ISCI and the Forum, will accompany the project from the beginning. It will assist the ministry and the municipality in creating activities that will connect the students and
the staff and/or activists in the city- such as council members, other active groups and involved residents.
D. The Forum will assist in the branding of the Pilot and al of the collaborative activities, in protecting the unique knowledge and intellectual property that will be created within it and in their sharing and/or publication. The Forum will accompany the project and the people involved in it, in interviews, in collaboration with the project managers, and will share this on the Forum's website - at the various stages of the project.
E. Last but not least, we will do our best to share the names and the stories of the teachers, municipal staff members and any other person that will take part in this Pilot- as the core of this Forum is : each person deserves credit and acknowledgement not only for or their work, but for their innovative actions as well.
Our warmest congratulations to Ronit Nehemia and the Program's team, as well as the educational staff at the schools participating in the Pilot. Success!!
We would also like to congratulate and send a big Bravo, to the Municipality of Tel Aviv, for investing the energy that allows the sharing of the municipal Data - as part of the OPEN DATA website. Offering this data allows for study and other different uses of this valuable information. In doing so, the municipality invites residents and any other interested party , to learn about what is happening in the city through the data - to analyze it and to reach conclusions, that may promote the city and its residents, and even create different projects, in different fields, that may promote the city and its residents.
In particular, we would like to congratulate Rinat Guy, director of the innovation unit at the Tel Aviv Municipality, for the warm connection with our institute and Forum and with the project, through Ronit Nehemia - while encouraging cooperation with the innovation unit of the municipality. We look forward with excitement, to continue to cooperate with Rinat and with the innovation unit, as far as the relationship between the young analysts in schools in Tel Aviv and the innovation ambassadors within the municipality, led by the innovation unit and Rinat Guy at their head.
We will continue to share here the progress of the said project. Good luck to everyone.