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Young Analysts&Urban Data:Ministry of Education,ISCI's Innovation Forum&Tel-Aviv Jaffa municipality

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Following our last post - we are happy to say that the project in which young analysts will be analyzing the municipal data on the Tel-Aviv Jaffa open data website, has started!

The educational teams in the schools chosen to participate, together with our representatives of each of the participating organizations- participated in our first opening meeting- on October 27th 2022.

Each of the participants had a chance to introduce themselves, the goals of the program and its planned Corse were discussed as well.

The students are ready to start analyzing the Tel-Aviv Jaffa municipal open data- and the representatives of the city the ministry of education and this Forum, are ready to support them, assist them, teach them and try to find with them ways to study data - in a way that will help make this great city smarter and better for all of its stake holders.

We are also happy to welcome the Municipality's Education and Information department that are joining our project as well.

We will update - as the project progresses. Good luck to all of us!

You are welcome to watch the meeting in Hebrew:

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