Rinat Guy is the CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) at the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, spoke about her position that is also her passion. She shared her goals & her mission that are all about bringing innovation to all staff of the municipality and to as many residents as possible. All of that, Rinat would like to keep on doing - to improve the lives of the residents and the working environment of the staff. Rachel Pasher Eijkenaar- of the https://www.isci-globalforum4cityinnovation.com/ of ISCI - http://israelsmartcities.org/- explained how the forum's goals of encouraging innovation within local government staff and residents meet Rinat's and Tel-aviv Yafo's goals.
Rinat also- introduced us to ITAY: innovation Tel Aviv Yaffo, that happens to be Rinat’s youngest son’s name. ITAY serves as a bridge between public servants, students, community members where creativity is the connecting link to tackle urban challenges for the sole aim to improve quality of life in the city by developing a common language - an original program for innovation.
For any questions or suggestions- please contact us and we will also connect you with Rinat.